• alansharkeypanorama_fish_eye
    9 posts
    8 days ago

    Yesterday, for about 12 hours, we had no access to private threads. No idea why not and this morning it seemed to be working OK again. Some information from those that know more than me:

    I know we are running an old version of Misago, but does anyone know if this is a known (and fixed) problem?


  • rafalplens
    8 days ago

    This is not a known problem, and considered you are running custom Misago fork and setup, I'll have to wait for a reproduction before I'll give this more attention.

    Only thing that comes to my mind is that there is some bug in <Timestamp> React.js component that caused it to error for specific time of a day, but then we would've caught it on forum index too I think.

  • alansharkeypanorama_fish_eye
    9 posts
    8 days ago

    Thanks Rafal,

    I don't want you do do more - I just wanted to know if it was a known problem fixed in a later release.

    I'll pass back the react.js information. But I don't think that's the issue. [Personally, I think it's a resource issue somewhere].



  • rafalplens
    8 days ago

    I've forgot to post mandatory "this is fixed in 0.40 anyway" post so I'll post it now:

    This issue should be easier to debug in 0.40 when it ships, because it removes both React.js and JSON API from threads lists, making them plain Django views that use HTMX for partial reloads.

  • alansharkeypanorama_fish_eye
    9 posts
    8 days ago

    Well, it's happening in Threads view as well. So, I think it's a resource running out somewhere. It needs fixing because we can't go to 0.40.


  • alansharkeypanorama_fish_eye
    9 posts
    4 days ago

    Just to finish this off. We rebooted the system a couple of days ago and the issue hasn't come back (so far). So, it does seem to be a resource issue somewhere.


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