• DanielXiongpanorama_fish_eye
    2 posts
    a month ago

    Hi, Thank you so much for developing this project. I am trying to facilitate this project but find that the github version is very simple compare to this one. For example the Admin Setting address the control of attachments but not the WebUI; Rich Text Editor is also not supported there when posting a thread.

    Is there anything that I am not doing correctly?

    Btw, does the folder "fronted" that holds the REACT project available?

  • rafalplens
    a month ago

    Misago's main branch always holds development code for next version. Currently this version is Misago 0.40 which is next large release that changes a lot of features and is not yet finished. For more details on this version, please see "Misago 0.40 progress update" thread and "Next feature release" milestone on GitHub.

    If you are looking for git branch with latest released code, see the 0.39.x branch. You can also consult GitHub releases to see how old last release is compared to main branch.

  • DanielXiongpanorama_fish_eye
    2 posts
    a month ago
  • rafalplens
    a month ago

    Yes, this site runs Misago 0.39.1

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