Currently listening to a segment of this on repeat:
And here it is, 1000th post on Misago Project forums :]
Gotta bump this thread, now that oneboxing youtube movies works :]
This movie is awesome, keeping up the extreme tension for all RAF scenes: case you are wondering why my Github activity dropped :]
and on spotify
Great tune, but epilepsy warning for music video. Who though its great idea to flash white non-stop for whole thing?!
Amiga mod that slaps:
Yes, it uses same sample as Facebook Messenger for new message notification :D
Soundtrack of my childhood :D
This is one of the tracks of my childhood. I remember running around in the summer holidays singing "we had joy, we had fun, we had Raquel Welch's bum".... I'm not saying its good. .. but you stimulated the memory of it! Fifty years ago next summer.
That's cool. I am listening to a lot of music that's "nothing special" by critics standards, but I still like for one reason or another.