• alff0x1fpanorama_fish_eye
    21 posts
    3 years ago

    Recently I found project twist.com. It is closed source, but i think it is interesting concept for reference.
    Combination slack (or discord) template (or maybe mail client like gmail) with old fasion forum threads.
    It is look like slack(or discord) but on second level - have threads like misago (not chat)

    Here is manifest for async communication: twist.com/async.

    screenshot of twist

    May be it will be interesting for misago v4.

    ps I'm looking up some software for non-commercial comminity (hiking and cycle club), I love idea of twist but we can't afford paid version for our community.

    Screenshot 2022-01-29 at 23.06.35.png

    PNG, 757.5 KB, uploaded by alff0x1f 3 years ago.

  • rafalplens
    3 years ago

    This seems close to what I am going for with v4's design, except Misago's sidenav will have two levels of depth (for category and subcategory). My main source of inspiration here are Bungie's forums, and while currently v4's thread view is full-width, I am planning to add category nav on the side here too:

    Zrzut ekranu 2022-01-29 o 21.46.19.png

    Zrzut ekranu 2022-01-29 o 21.46.28.png

    Zrzut ekranu 2022-01-29 o 21.46.28.png

    PNG, 298.1 KB, uploaded by rafalp 3 years ago.

    Zrzut ekranu 2022-01-29 o 21.46.19.png

    PNG, 339.6 KB, uploaded by rafalp 3 years ago.

  • rafalplens
    3 years ago

    Furthermore, I'm also toying with idea that selected user groups could also have buttons on sidebar that would display threads made by group's members.

  • rafalplens
    3 years ago

    I've started thinking about adding "classic" categories back to Misago with v4. As an option you would be able to create "binder" category which will only act as a container of "proper" categories. It would be impossible to post threads directly in those categories, but they would still contain subcategories that you will be able to post content in.

    Those plain categories could be used for visual separation of groups of categories in the UI. Eg. in the sidenav "binder" category would be displayed just as a bold text with its subcategories being displayed as usual. And on categories list we could use binder categories to have classic categories list.

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