• Indexohmanypanorama_fish_eye
    17 posts
    2 months ago

    Hi @rafalp
    I've followed the steps you've described in this thread (I've used pip install transifex-client in a virtual env not system-wide) to download a translated file from transifex in order to compile it and integrate it to the misago site, but when I use the commande tx pull -f -l fr I get the error tx ERROR: ValueError: not enough values to unpack (expected 2, got 1). I've retried many times using different ways but I'm still stuck with that error. I've never user transifex-client before. If you have any idea where the problem might come from, please enlighten me so that I can solve it.
    Best regards

  • rafalppanorama_fish_eye
    2 months ago
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