This is unlikely to happen because support burden for such image is too much for me to carry. Suddenly the problem scope explodes from "I've got an error XYZ in misago-docker
" into discussions like:
- How to replace redis with custom caching backend?
- How to replace redis with custom messaging backend between API and Worker?
- How to debug the communication between API and Worker?
- Why media files are not working?
- Why there's no CSS on my website?
- Why is my site not checking for HTTPS?
- How to setup logging?
- How to setup backups?
If this was so easy and doable, Discourse would've done it years ago. And yet, despite this being like no. 1 request on Discourses forums and them being millions of dollars funded startup hiring tens of devs, they still refuse to do it.
This all boils down to limitation of possibilities. misago-docker
gives you a black box and "take it or leave" it deal. But when you try offering single image, suddenly a lot of people come asking how to do some things their way, because if image does X, why not make it also do X+1?
Support scope explodes from "I have an error XYZ in in predictable and reproductible setup" to "I am reinventing misago-docker
and I have 2312 questions specific to my env, help me!" that is a nightmare for single person to take care of.
Basically this:

Interesting enough, after all those years community still couldn't settle on single community docker image for Discourse and multiple different solutions exist.