I'm just playing around with a test site, testing the features I need. I'm struggling with tables in markdown. I thought the site used github flavoured markdown, but I can't seem to make table as I would expect.
What is the flavour(version) that misago stable uses, and are tables possible?
So to enable it you will have to create a plugin that uses markdown_extensions hook to register tables extension with Markdown parser. Probably something like this;
from markdown.extensions.tables import TableExtension
table_extension = TableExtension()
I've done a quick test on supported github flavoured markdown, and come up with this list. All I am short of for what I need is markdown table support (which I will have a go at trying to make a plugin for, although I would prefer it to be supported 'out of the box').
Youtube links that load elsewhere do not seem to autoload here.
On Youtube video's uploader may limit where video can be embed and where it can't. Your YT link shows "watch on youtube" which suggests it's embedding was restricted.
I don't know the implications of that, or how to work around it. If I look at this embedded video
<iframewidth="678"height="523"src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/9bTWF7eirJw"title="Squeeze - Another Nail In My Heart"frameborder="0"allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share"allowfullscreen></iframe>
If I embedd the following link in my current forum, it embeds and will play there. If I link it here:
Without the embed, again it embeds correctly on my forum. Here:
I am unburying this because with new parser I could add tables support in the core.
I've even found a Python regex for table block: ^ *\|.+\n *\| *-[- \|]+(\n *\|.*)*. Parser would have to use it to catch blocks and then use simple python split()'s for rows and columns:
Match table block
Split lines
Remove second line
For each line remove whitespace and | characters from beginning and end of the line
Split each line with | and strip whitespacers around each individual cell's contents
Find max number of columns
Parse each cell's contents
Emit final table AST
Spec doesn't say a word about how proper table markdown is supposed to look like, and I've found that different parsers behave differently here, so I will treat this as minimal table: