Do you like new denser threads list?

  • 2 votes.
  • Started by rafalp 2 years ago.
Yes, new smaller avatars are okay!
undefined votes, undefined% of total.
  • 0 votes, 0% of total.
No, make avatars bigger!
undefined votes, undefined% of total.
  • 2 votes, 100% of total.
  • rafalplens
    2 years ago

    In Misago 0.36 I've made user avatars smaller, 24x24 px from previous 32x32 px. But thread's list feels odd now. I am wondering if this is because of new look, or maybe avatars should be made little bigger to space out things a little?

    Even making then 28x28 px seems to have noticable difference.

  • uwnyuDpanorama_fish_eye
    39 posts
    2 years ago

    Bigger! They look small on my screen.

  • rafalplens
    2 years ago

    Made two changes in 0.36.1:

    • made avatars 30px instead of 24px
    • added srcset attrs to those avatars for high-density displays, making those sharper
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