• propanorama_fish_eye
    22 posts
    7 days ago

    Sorry. Offtop. I need Cyrillic translation. What I must to do for this goal?
    I thinking that percentage on transifex it's translation progress for specific language.. Is it correct?
    p.s. I send request for participation :)

  • rafalplens
    7 days ago

    Please start new thread if you have questions.

    To add new translation to Misago one has to:

    1. Request for language to be added on Transifex (if there isnt one already). It has to use same language code as Django uses.
    2. Request to join to this language as translator.
    3. Translate the language.

    In past I’ve used to require languages to hit certain percentage of completion before including them in releases, but I don’t anymore.

  • propanorama_fish_eye
    22 posts
    7 days ago


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