• Justman10000remove_circle_outline
    44 posts
    2 years ago

    How about real-time updates? That new posts in topics are displayed directly in real time...

  • rafalplens
    2 years ago

    In order to do this either Django needs to have full async Python support or we would need to introduce separate service for pushing messages over websocket to clients. I don't want to add the latter, and former is up to Django team. But they are slowly getting there, so here's hope!

  • rafalplens
    2 years ago

    I am aware of deepstream as real time server for web apps, but maybe I could implement one in Python?

    Also, realtime server should have a way to filter events before sending them to client, so we can verify if user can see replied thread before we tell them "oh yeah, thread 2137 got new reply".

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