• uwnyuDpanorama_fish_eye
    39 posts
    2 years ago

    Enable anonymous mode feature: Within the admin panel, there would be two buttons that would allow users to make their profiles anonymous, or to make everyone anonymous on the entire forum: their name would not be visible in the posts (Anonymous), and their profile picture, their name in the quoted text.

    This would help ensure that users do not spend time with other people's names and profile pictures. You would rather spend more time on the question and writing the answer.

    Also, they should have the feeling that their post is anonymous and their name is not published, someone may be deterred from posting if their username is public, even if they do not give their real name.

  • rafalplens
    2 years ago

    Are you proposing „post anonymously” feature like one that exists on facebook groups?

  • 158 posts
    2 years ago

    I think this is a pretty niche need...but something like this would be of use to our community.

    We have historically had posts from 'characters' who post specifically themed items based on a comedy representation of a view. So someone might post a complex description of something and user 'babelfish' might post a whimsical interpretation like "all philosophy is rubbish" as a comedy riposte. but 'babelfish' postings might come from multiple users, or if one wanted to make a comedy know-it-all response, then one might adopt the 'E.L. Wisty' persona. This mostly predated the widespread democratisation of the internet, and before spam and bots...such that posting without requiring registration and log in was viable without the forum being flooded.

    Another use case is that, for example, we have a mental health board. People might wish to recount struggles that they are having, or request help or support, but not wish to identify themselves.

    So the ability to log in, but post with a non-attributable display name for individual posts, would have great utility for us.

    ....but I expect that is a hugely problematic can of worms, that (to my knowledge) no forum addresses, and I would expect requires a massive level of work, for what is very little utility in return.

    So this is not in any way a request, but a contribution to perhaps explain the use case.

  • uwnyuDpanorama_fish_eye
    39 posts
    2 years ago

    I haven't used facebook groups yet. The idea comes from the site gyakorikerdesek.hu. People can ask and answer questions anonymously, but everyone has a profile, it's just not public. This site is very popular with us in all topics.

  • rafalplens
    2 years ago

    I say this is 100% in plugin territory. From implementation side, this seems like a feature you could put together in few days.

    But there's enough maintenance work with how Misago currently is, and this feature is not a must have for internet forums. So I'll keep this on mind when adding plugin system to Misago, but it's not a feature I am likely to implement myself anytime soon.

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