• 158 posts
    2 years ago

    .... additionally. I have the editor, once opened, remain active while browsing the current thread.

    If we browse elsewhere in the site, eg going to the threaded view, the edit is cancelled, ie the editor just disappears.

    Would it be possible, or desirable, for the editor to remain active outside the current thread? It is not unusual for me to look for quotes from other threads outside the current one.

  • rafalplens
    2 years ago

    This is currently not possible due to how UI is built. We would need to convert the UI to SPA first and thats quite a journey.

  • 158 posts
    2 years ago

    That's fine....it's workable around (and not a required feature).

    It does occur to me that if people are browsing a thread, with the editor down, they can lose track and click on a threaded view, or follow a link. I've done it myself. In that case the active edits are just lost without any warning.

    Would it be possible to alert the user that browsing away will discard current edits? (or a draft that can be returned to)

  • rafalplens
    2 years ago

    Alert seems easy to do. Draft system is also something I want, but would likely take few weeks to implement and I have much more important features on list before doing that.

  • rafalplens
    2 years ago

    I've just tested this and found that new thread input is persisted when user navigates between categories. And new reply editor is persisted when user navigates between pages of thread. So we are halfway there, which is nice :D

    But for editor to persist across entire site, I still need to convert whole site to SPA.

  • 158 posts
    2 years ago

    It occurs to me that I don't know what SPA means.

  • rafalplens
    2 years ago

    Single Page Application. Its when entire UI of website runs in single JavaScript app. Its what Facebook and Reddit does.

    Currently Misago has separate JavaScript apps that each handles other part of the site. There’s an app for thread page, other one for threads list, other for user profile and another fir search page. So when you open message composer on thread page and go to threads list, it goes away because it was open in thread app and now you are in threads list app.

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