• kamranpanorama_fish_eye
    5 posts
    3 years ago

    @rafalp Can you tell me what happened to the "Best Answer" button? It indirectly solves my problem and I see that you have used it before. But now I can't find anything like it in project. thank you again !!!

  • rafalplens
    3 years ago

    Marked as best answer by kamran 3 years ago.

    You need "mark as best answer" permission in category to have that button.

  • kamranpanorama_fish_eye
    5 posts
    3 years ago

    I've found this button only with permission option 'Q&A user' set for moderator. If I use it for registered user - then this registered user can't see the thread at all. "The page not found". Don't know why. Can you please post here screenshot with permissions for thread like you did here - I can mark your answer as best. Or you have done me as moderator of this thread ?

  • kamranpanorama_fish_eye
    5 posts
    3 years ago

    Oh, I got it. Have changed permissions to see threads by Q&A users, it was set to false by default. Thank You so much !!

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