• 158 posts
    a year ago

    I find that I'm completely baffled by permissions.

    Is there a simple way to add "Best Answer" permissions to users? I have completely failed to get to grips with this.

    There are effectively two ranks:

    Admin: Who I want to be able to edit all best answers
    Users: Who I want to allow to set a best answer, and change a best answer on threads of their creation only.

  • rafalplens
    a year ago

    For some reason Django update caused CheckboxSelectMultiple to display as radio choice. This is wrong and needs to be fixed, so Misago 0.38.1 will happen soon. 🤬

    Otherwise you would add the "Q&A Forums" role to the users rank, and edit category permissions for "Q&A Forums" user role you would set "Q&A User" for every category.

    I find that I'm completely baffled by permissions.

    I am also baffled by Misago's permission system and want to replace it with much saner perms system soon. I am talking January-February 2024 here.

    In the meantime here's how I am understanding the perms system myself:

    • Users have ranks which are groups
    • Groups have user roles, which are secondary groups
    • User roles ("secondary groups") have category permissions through category roles
  • 158 posts
    a year ago

    Thanks for that...it at least explains how I couldn't think to make a sane selection of an individual role.

    I'm currently dealing with the permissions system, by trying to keep it as simple as possible. It's not good...and the changes that you are planning will be most welcome! The major bonus is that it's transparent to the user. The downside is I hardly dare risk and changes, as who knows what might happen.

    It just occurred to me that I hadn't enabled 'best answer'....mainly because I think I had given up the last time I looked at it.

  • 158 posts
    a year ago

    I seem to be unable to add "Q&A Forums" role to the users rank. I can't see an option.

    Equally in Categories I can't see an option.

    In permissions I don't have a "Q&A Forums" role.


    PNG, 25.8 KB, uploaded by tetricky a year ago.


    PNG, 23.2 KB, uploaded by tetricky a year ago.

  • rafalplens
    a year ago

    You are right. I don't see those in standard Misago.

    But you can create category role and name it "Q&A user". Then give it those permissions (skip rest of form):

    Zrzut ekranu 2023-11-20 o 23.08.20.png

    Same with "Q&A Moderator":

    Zrzut ekranu 2023-11-20 o 23.08.34.png

    Then create new user role "Q&A User", don't set any permissions on this role, but grant it "Q&A User" role in categories users should be able to select replies as solutions.

    Likewise create new user role "Q&A Moderator" but use "Q&A Moderator" role in categories.

    Zrzut ekranu 2023-11-20 o 23.08.34.png

    PNG, 83.1 KB, uploaded by rafalp a year ago.

    Zrzut ekranu 2023-11-20 o 23.08.20.png

    PNG, 98.4 KB, uploaded by rafalp a year ago.

  • 158 posts
    a year ago

    I don't seem to have a "Best Answer" section in creating a role.

  • rafalplens
    a year ago

    Marked as best answer by tetricky a year ago.

    Its only in category roles. But you should already have both "Q&A user" and "Q&A moderator" roles in category roles created for you because while user roles for Q&A don't exist by default, the category roles do.


    1. Go to "Permissions" -> "New role". Fill in name only (eg. "Q&A user") and save the role.
    2. Click on new role's options button and pick "Category permissions". For each category where they should be able to pick answers give them "Q&A user" role.
    3. Go to "Ranks" -> "Members". Add the "Q&A user" role you've created in 1st step.
    4. Repeat above for the "Forum team" user rank, but use the the "Q&A moderator" role instead.
  • 158 posts
    a year ago

    I have those in category roles. But I can't see how to make them show up as an option...and I can't see how to create a role without a best answer section in role creation dialogue.

    I think this might be where I got to before, when I gave up.


    Your instructions worked. Thank you for that!

    I would never have worked it out.

  • rafalplens
    a year ago


    (click on the image to open animated gif)


    GIF, 2.8 MB, uploaded by rafalp a year ago.

  • rafalplens
    a year ago

    Yeah, its terrible. In future I will make the "can change best answer choice" and "time to change best answer choice" permissions on user group, and have extra "let users select best answers in their threads" option on category. Not as powerful as current system, but much simpler and should cover 99% of cases.

  • 158 posts
    a year ago

    Best answer is now working for me. Thank you very much for your help.

    From a use perspective, it would be nice if marking a best answer also added a link to that post, directly below the first topic in the thread. Where the thread spreads over several pages, this would allow a new viewer to quickly find the best answer. That's a wish, not a must have. It works as it is.

    Thank you for all your work.

  • rafalplens
    a year ago

    There's a shortcut in shortcuts menu:

    Zrzut ekranu 2023-11-21 o 00.30.52.png

    Zrzut ekranu 2023-11-21 o 00.30.52.png

    PNG, 28.0 KB, uploaded by rafalp a year ago.

  • 158 posts
    a year ago

    That does it!

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