• yottabitpanorama_fish_eye
    15 posts
    3 months ago


    I am having a bit of trouble with figuring out how to override the default HTML configurations after installing Misago using the wizard (I am trying to embed a media player onto my website). I see there are directories that serve the purpose of allowing extensions that build off default settings ("/misago_docker/misago/theme/templates" and "/misago_docker/misago/theme/static"; I have tried creating a "base.html" file within the templates directory, but have had no luck with changes being applied after restarting Docker. Is there a way to edit the HTML files directly, as I was able to accomplish previously with Misago installed not using the wizard installation?

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  • rafalppanorama_fish_eye
    3 months ago

    I guess you've created a file directly in /misago_docker/misago/theme/templates instead of /misago_docker/misago/theme/templates/misago/?

  • yottabitpanorama_fish_eye
    15 posts
    3 months ago

    I created the file in /misago_docker/misago/theme/templates/misago/templating. Is there a way to edit the default base.html directly?

    ~/misago_docker/misago/theme$ tree
    ├── static
    │   └── README.txt
    └── templates
    ├── README.txt
    └── misago
    └── templating
    └── base.html

    4 directories, 3 files

  • rafalppanorama_fish_eye
    3 months ago

    There's no templating directory used by Misago. The files and directories you create in theme/templates must correspond 1:1 to what is defined in misago/templates. So if you create theme/templates/misago/base.html it will be used instead of default one, but only after server restart.

  • yottabitpanorama_fish_eye
    15 posts
    3 months ago

    Ah, I see. Thank you for clarifying.

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