• aomtealfoxpanorama_fish_eye
    28 posts
    12 years ago

    Is there a possibility of adding an extra box in the text input options for emoticons? :)

  • rafalplens
    12 years ago

    With over 800 of them extra box is... complicated, but Misago displays pro tip after you start typing emoticon, just like Github does. :wink:

  • aomtealfoxpanorama_fish_eye
    28 posts
    12 years ago

    Hmm but how do I get them to work? lol doing :) only gets me some weird ones...

  • rafalplens
    12 years ago

    To enable emoticons to work, create directory named "emojis" in your static dir and upload emoji images to it.

    Then enable emojis in Misago aby adding following lines somewhere down your settings.py:

  • aomtealfoxpanorama_fish_eye
    28 posts
    12 years ago

    Haha, no I actually meant how do I call them out on here for example. Simply typing what I would think would be a standard call-out clearly isn't the right one...

  • rafalplens
    12 years ago

    Once you type :, protip appears that updates suggestion as you write more. Only gotcha: there has to be space before that coma for it to get it, otherwhise it assumes you mean coma, not emoji.

  • l0udpanorama_fish_eye
    12 years ago

    Just look for the emoji cheat sheet mentioned before :smile:

  • aomtealfoxpanorama_fish_eye
    28 posts
    12 years ago

    Aaah okay - hmmm yeah... I had no idea that you need to type : and then the actual emotion you wanted to express... Hmm haha, okay, well I'd say that maybe these ones :) :P :( :'( surely should somehow be supported, nah? Anyway it works now :grinning:

  • rafalplens
    12 years ago

    Emoji plays nicely with Markdown while classic emoticons tend to confuse parser.

  • aomtealfoxpanorama_fish_eye
    28 posts
    12 years ago

    Okie dokie, well once the logic is there it makes sense :laughing: but yes, you need to know that that's the way Misago works and having barely used GitHub it is certainly not something I would expect the average user to be aware of.

  • rafalplens
    12 years ago

    There will be formatting/writing help in future explaining how it all works.

  • aomtealfoxpanorama_fish_eye
    28 posts
    12 years ago

    Awesome, that should be more than sufficient!

  • uwnyuDpanorama_fish_eye
    39 posts
    2 years ago

    It would be great. :thinking: if misago had its own set of emoticons. But a plain blob emoji set would be great too. (i know you have no plan for this in the future)
    i.ibb.co/60pC9xF/k-p-2023-05-23-204059093.png haha

  • rafalplens
    2 years ago

    Misago's own set of emoticons? Who's going to draw them? ;) Or you mean something like Twemoji?

    So we could have an emoji button in editor and you would be able to insert custom emoticon images defined in admin panel, like how every forum software did it for years and years before.

    I've tried doing emoji picker for v4 but it had two issues:

    • Emojis have names, and those names would need translations. Good luck maintaining 2137 emoji translations in Misago.
    • Different devices and programs implement different version of emoji standard, end picker was either missing emoji or displayed black squares for emojis that client didn't support.
  • uwnyuDpanorama_fish_eye
    39 posts
    2 years ago

    Maybe on "fiverr" someone draw?

    Or just the simple often used ":), :(, :|, :D, :o"

    Hmm, yes, this can also be a solution to avoid having to translate thousands of lines, and thus each forum can have a unique atmosphere.

    It would be uniform on all devices, loaded in png or other image format. I think these emojis would be stored within the forum.

  • rafalplens
    2 years ago

    Imho custom picker containing custom emojis uploaded by site owner is a way to go with this. And maybe some standard extra emojis.

    Will you sponsor that? 😛

  • uwnyuDpanorama_fish_eye
    39 posts
    2 years ago

    Let's stick with free-to-use emojis. 🤕

  • 158 posts
    2 years ago

    Personally I prefer to just use the simple (and not so simple) ascii emoji. I don't need or want stupid little cartoon faces all over things. I accept that this is a personal position, based on me being very old.

  • Justman10000remove_circle_outline
    44 posts
    2 years ago

    This post is hidden. You cannot see its contents.

    Hidden by rafalp 2 years ago.

  • uwnyuDpanorama_fish_eye
    39 posts
    2 years ago

    It's a personal preference. However, I think it should be taken into account that emotions have been present in life for a long time. I love the blob emojis, they are cute.

  • rafalplens
    2 years ago

    Custom emoji support is something I would like to have in Misago. Even something as dumb as plugin for message parser that swaps ":v" with "😗" would take us far :D

  • billypanorama_fish_eye
    17 posts
    2 years ago

    I was considering add such a function to input emoji when write a post, something like this:


    PNG, 600.8 KB, uploaded by billy 2 years ago.

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