• smbhpanorama_fish_eye
    6 posts
    6 years ago

    Hi @rafalp
    Can u give us an specific instruction to customize frontend ?
    i ve tried gulp to do it but it was really confusing and i have decided to not using react at all.
    when i move frontend and misago.js to disable react and make changes in html pages (in misago templates) it wont work.
    actually it will when u refresh multiple times u can see changes but only in seconds and it will reset to original view.

    Thank you.

  • rafalplens
    6 years ago


    I am afraid this can't be helped. Large and important part of Misago is React.js application developed using Node.js tools such as Gulp.js, Babel.js, Less.css and Browserify. If you remove this part, Misago will not work, because no HTML templates implement any interactions.

    when u refresh multiple times u can see changes but only in seconds and it will reset to original view

    Yes. What you see is React.js application replacing HTML with its own. I want to remove HTML templates from Misago in one of future version, and make all HTML displayed in the browser come from React.js application, so people are no longer confused by this.

  • smbhpanorama_fish_eye
    6 posts
    6 years ago

    Thank you for ur response. yes i did realize that after i spend some time with it.
    but it would be very amazing if there was a guid for mapping js files and how to start making changes in specific order (not in detail).
    Thank you for ur time.

  • rafalplens
    6 years ago

    You shouldn't change JS files to customize the Misago. Editing/adding CSS and images should be enough.

    Can you describe what changes are you interested in doing?

  • smbhpanorama_fish_eye
    6 posts
    6 years ago

    basically localization is our priority for now. but in long shot we intended to migrate to react native to have mobile app.

  • rafalplens
    6 years ago

    What localization feature are you missing? Localization is fully supported out of the box and doesn't require frontend files modifications.

  • smbhpanorama_fish_eye
    6 posts
    6 years ago

    check these
    not only translation. some basic changes in UI


    PNG, 219.1 KB, uploaded by smbh 6 years ago.


    PNG, 234.4 KB, uploaded by smbh 6 years ago.

  • smbhpanorama_fish_eye
    6 posts
    6 years ago

    i need to access react components besides less and css styles to handle this kinds of stuff

  • rafalplens
    6 years ago

    Yeah, RTL languages are totally different thing, and I am not sure that frontend is only thing that needs changing here. Shouldn't some Misago validators also need to be updated when testing prefixes?

  • smbhpanorama_fish_eye
    6 posts
    6 years ago

    of course. i can solve that manually.
    The big challenge for me was front-end.
    for many reasons we decide to not using misago for our system, but if there were a better documentation in project structure we could develop it to support RTL languages in front end and back end.
    best regards,

  • rafalplens
    6 years ago

    I understand. Good luck with your project anyway! 👍

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