Hello, I wanted to connect misago to an existing project.
I used a clean install, because my VDS does not support kvm and docker.
I used the instructions from here - misago-project.org/t/101-single-sign-on-sso-implementation/948/post/4325/
If I except urls.py if I don't touch misago, I get an error when going to the authorization page:
(and add 'simple_sso.sso_client' in INSTALLED_APPS)
But if I change settings.py :
AUTH_USER_MODEL = "misago_users.User"
AUTH_USER_MODEL = "auth.User"
(And I added this, I don't know how critical):
"django.contrib.auth.models.User", #<-this
Then I get the following error when restarting misago:
UPD on misago side urls.py
maybe I didn't follow these steps, because I didn't find where else SSO is enabled in missego