I've decided to post new progress update for Misago 0.40 since previous one was almost half a year ago.
What is Misago 0.40?
Misago 0.40 is next feature release that will bring to Misago redesigned threads list, thread pages, posting and editing flows, messages editor, posts and attachments, permission system, moderation tools, message parser, read content tracker, forum search, account settings, users lists, profile pages and user signatures. It will also greatly raise number of plugin hooks available to the developers (85 at the time of writing).
It will also remove React.js from those pages, making them MUCH easier to customize for developers using Misago to run their communities.
When will Misago 0.40 be released?
Sometime in 2025. No promises or anything but judging by current pace, summer is most optimistic deadline, but I wouldn't be surprised if I miss it and only release after that.
What's the progress?
I am happy to report that work on the Misago 0.40 release has reached an important milestone today: it is now possible to start new threads, post replies and edit those replies. Currently those features are very basic, but they are an important foundation that I can now build on.
This is whats going to happen now: do few quick small cleanups and fixes in existing codebase, and then start filling in blanks.
What's done:
- New permissions system
- New messages parser
- New threads list
- New read tracker
- Basic start thread
- Basic reply to thread
- Basic edit post
- New categories list
- New account settings page
What’s left
- Threads features:
- Attachments
- Polls
- UI for private thread members
- Quoting
- Message editor
- Likes
- Edits history
- Selecting solutions
- Moderation
- New forum search
- Advanced search
- Replaceable search backends
- Replace ranks with groups on users lists
- Redesign "active users" page
- New user profile pages
- User signatures
- Breadcrumbs
- Metatags for search engines and social sites
Speaking from knowledge of Misago's codebase, I am expecting first two positions on the list to make the 80% of work left to do.
Wrapping up
While scope of changes remains large, I am making a steady progress, constantly removing things from the todo list and while I am not happy with 0.40 taking so long to ship, I am optimistic that Misago's users will find all the improvements to the project making it worth the wait.