Attachments and polls are planned but "content types" are coming in first.
Attachments and polls are planned but "content types" are coming in first.
(1) Title lengths allowed too short.
All I was allowed was: When editing a thread button shouldn't say Edit when reposti
(2) No Support for [IMG] tags.
Misago doesn't support uploads yet ... so I used Tinypic and copied the [img] URL like I use in all other forum software.
[IMG]ht tp://[/IMG]
But it didn't work. Could you parse [IMG] tags and use your syntax ?
BTW, what type of image attaching syntax is this ? Markdown ?
Are you planning to allow attachments ?
I belive thread titles should be as short as possible, and this installation is configured to reflect that belief.
Misago uses Markdown instead of BBCode so stuff like [b] or [img] doesn't work. And as of now I am not truly convinced I should be implementing bbcode fallbacks for those sites.
I couldn't get search to work. Maybe change "Search Community" to coming soon ? :)
It's not implemented, but field is going to remain for folk to get idea of how complete UI will look like.
Are you planning on storing attachments as flat files or in the database? Or both?
On the subject of bbcode: I like the fact that you're using markdown, but a "legacy" bbcode option would be nice for people that are used to it (and there are a ton of those people). Might be nice to set up a filter to catch and convert common bbcodes into markdown. Would help people adjust and it could be something that could be turned off/on. As long as bbcode was never stored in the database that is..
Attachments will be stored on hard drive and served to members trough python gateway. I don't think DB could handle file streaming well. Since 1.5 Django supports sending large files to clients and I need gateway to make sure only guys with permissions get to download files.
Posts are stored in two forms in database: raw post as it was written by user, and preparsed post that only needs attachments and language strings replaced. I probably could extend MD parser to support some BBCodes, but then how do you make sure that people eventually switch to MD instead of sticking to BBCode forever?
I was thinking that you could convert bbcode on the fly to MD, and just store the MD version in the database. I know that would add a bit of overhead but it'd be worth it imho because a lot of people are going to want the option of bbcode.
If you're going to eventually have a system that allows existing forums to convert to Misago you'll have to convert bbcode into MD to do it properly anyway (well, for some forum software at least). :)
I want to move my forum from IPB do Misago further down the road so yes, BB->MD translator is on the list.
As for using it in user postings... hummm, I dunno, I would need to have ready implementation to judge its usefulness to such problem.
Mandatory image alt's were dropped with latest commit to 0.3 branch: