July update will be short one.
During last month I have made progress with users lists in Misago 0.6, designing new and better looking user cards for ranks links, creating new pagination component for Ember.js and finally implementing API for obtaining users belonging to rank, online or most active.
I've also did little styling work on Misago to make it look little more "material like", however at the end of the day I'm not really the fan of how it came out, plus at times its more like iOS8 than Material Design.
Quite predictably, since I've picked full-time work in advertising agency number of hours I am putting into Misago has dropped, slowing progress greatly. However I am determined enough to keep working on Misago 0.6 to eventually deliver.
When will 0.6 happen? I hate to say it, but it looks like Misago is now one of those projects that you forget about only to spot release announcement on django-users/hackernews/reddit few months later and go "wow, nice, I've tought its dead".