as administrator, how to remove a thread that create by other user ?
seem no way ??
as administrator, how to remove a thread that create by other user ?
seem no way ??
"Administrator" status gives permission to access forum's admin panel... and only that. ;) Your user must be given permission to moderate categories where you want to delete other users threads.
Best way to set this up is go to your admin panel, click "Users", then "User Account" and then use "Search list" to find yourself then list of users. Now click pencil icon next to your user and under "roles" make sure you have "moderator" role selected in addition to what other roles you may be wanted to have:
Save this and go to "permissions" menu in admin, then "User roles". Find "Moderator" on list and click "discussion bubbles" icon next to it:
This will let you select what permissions should users with this role have for each category. Make sure moderators can moderate categories you want them to, then click "save". Here users with "moderator" role are granted the moderator status for "News" and "Release Announcements" categories:
Lastly, here is where you can find "delete" thread options:
Great, thanks !
Make sure you select best answer by clicking "best answer" button under my post with solution ;)