... similar to this approach, now that Misago has Likes and Dislikes anyway.
... similar to this approach, now that Misago has Likes and Dislikes anyway.
That's not going to happen as negative rating is dropped in 0.6 :]
... which is bad because it makes absolutely no sense to not be able to give trolls or spammers a negative rating.
One and half year ago I would've agreed with that, but I had plenty of time to explore the subject, and today I think that's not going to work without heavy moderation on votes, like how its done on Stack Overflow.
What's really going to happen when you introduce negative votes is that voting blocks will form and soon "trolls" are simply "unpopular opinion" dudes that don't flow with rest of circle-jerk, with reddit's main subs being primary example.
Yet reddit works because there are social people who upvote rage-downvoted comments.
Actually it works because circlejerks make it easy to score internet points, so once you know where wind blows from you can ramp up karma via posting right material in right subreddits. This makes reddit rev up itself.
That's how most boards work too.
Yeah, but thats what stigmatises and turns off "unpopular opinion" users, so pick your poison:
I don't vote you down though!