• Jan. 31, 2016, 9:19 p.m.

    Good things are happening!

    Over last two months I have dropped Mithril.js for sake of React.js, and now React.js components handle following parts of Misago:

    • Auth flow
      • Login/Logout
      • Register new account
      • Auth state synced across tabs
      • Reset forgotten password
      • Activate account
      • Resend activation e-mail
      • Switch static banned page with React.js component
    • User CP stub
      • Change forum options
      • Change username
      • Change email or password
    • Change avatar
      • Set generated avatar
      • Fetch gravatar
      • Pick avatar from gallery
      • Upload avatar
      • Crop avatar

    Sticking to the roadmap I'm now moving on to next two targets:

    • Users list
      • Most active users
      • Ranks users
    • User profile
      • Followed users
      • Followed by
      • Name history
      • Nuke user form orbit
      • Moderate user's avatar
      • Moderate user's username
      • Follow user

    By roadmap those are final features before threads, and while they are not complex, their implementation may turn out to be time consuming due to need of developing API endpoints for them - something I didn't have to do with already implemented features that resued already implemented API that I have created while Misago was being moved to Ember.js.

  • Members 20 posts
    Feb. 18, 2016, 11:54 a.m.

    Great. React.js is actually amazing.

    Although, you may need hold on to it for a while :D

    Are you using webpack with it? ;>

  • Feb. 18, 2016, 12:01 p.m.

    Nopez, I'm transpiling and bundling my JS with babelify and browserify...

    But I hear that WebPack & Coffe compiler produce little smaller builds with little less extra JS overhead, so when main focus moves from development to maintenance, I'll most likely look into it as chance for shaving off extra kb's and ms in bulids.